Important Note: Please ensure you select the correct ticket type based on your nationality.
This site, Abu Simbel Temples, south of Aswan along Lake Nasser’s shore is the most famous in all of Egypt after the Giza Pyramids. Built by the greatest of the pharaohs, Ramesses II, which made it also known as the Temple of Ramses II or Ramesses II, these huge rock-cut temples marked the southern boundary of the Egyptian Empire with Nubia at the peak of its power during the New Kingdom.
They were meant to convey the power of Egypt’s rulers to anyone who laid eyes upon them. The four statues guarding the doorway to the larger of these temples are the largest sculptures that survive from the ancient Pharaonic era.
The twin temples were built to serve as a lasting monument to the king and his queen Nefertari, and commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh.
Once you purchase your tickets plus any add-ons (if selected), you will receive an email with e-tickets that grant you access to the attraction.
Recommendation for best time to visit:
We recommend you visit the Abu Simbel in the early mornings (reach there by 7:00 – 8:00 am).
Opening Hours
6:00 AM > 5:00 PM
Last admission to the site is at 4:00 PM